Transporting Your Vehicle to Canada for an Extended Visit

Whether you plan to take an extended trip to Canada, you should have your vehicle there with you to make your journey more convenient. Fortunately, there are auto transport options that allow you to take your vehicle across country lines and a transport company can help you with the process.

1. Temporary Import

The process by which you can transport your vehicle to Canada for your stay is known as a temporary import. A temporary import involves granting a United States registered vehicle the ability to operate the vehicle within Canada without a requirement to change or update the vehicle's registration. Generally, this grace is only offered for 12 months. 

When you need to transport a vehicle using this method, the transport company will require that you complete the vehicle import forms, provide your license information, and all registration details for the vehicle. Typically, this information is sent in ahead of time to prestart the process. In some instances, you may even be required to grant the transport company the ability to act as your representative to complete the transport, since you will not be present at the time of the border crossing.

2. Pre-Set Destination

A common concern is a worry that if you have the vehicle imported into Canada, you will have to be present at the border to retrieve the vehicle. However, it is not the case. Transport companies that specialize in this service can deliver the vehicle to wherever in the country is convenient for you. 

As a result, you can travel to the destination ahead of time and not worry about having to wait around to retrieve your vehicle. You set the destination time and location and the driver brings your vehicle across the border to you.

3. Safety and Security Precautions

It is important to understand that you will need to take certain safety precautions during this type of transport. Because the vehicle is crossing a border, it is subject to a random search. You need to ensure that you provide the driver with keys to access any locked compartments within the vehicle, as to not cause any delays.

It is also important that you double-check your registration. If the registration on the vehicle is set to expire during the transport, the driver will not be able to bring the vehicle into the country for you. Update the registration beforehand.

Auto transport professionals do more than simply bring your vehicle across country lines—they understand the process. If you have further questions, contact U.S. Canada auto transport ​services. 

About Me

options of transportation that you have to consider

When making plans for your vacation or business travels, do you always choose the same method of transportation? Have you ever taken the time to look into your options? Did you ever think that it could be possible to save time and money by changing the way that you get to your destination? Until about a year ago, I never gave any thought to how I got to my destination - I always just booked a flight and off I went. Then, a family member told me about how much money she saved on her family vacation by taking a train rather than a plane. This blog is all about the options of transportation that you have to consider for your travels.


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