2 Safety Tips For Traveling To Cancun Alone With Your Children

If you are planning to take a vacation alone with your children to Cancun, Mexico to see the beautiful beaches and enjoy the wonderful cuisine, you need to make sure you and your children stay safe. Of course, there is no way to guarantee your safety no matter where you travel, but the tips below will help lessen the chances of something happening to you and your children.

Know Your Way

Take time to plan out your trip before you leave your home. If you are taking a rental car, the last thing you want to happen is to get lost with your children. Instead of using a map, use a GPS app on your smartphone.

If you plan to travel by taxi cab when you arrive in Cancun, you will have no problem finding one, as you will see them lined up just about anywhere tourists are. But you will likely get better rates if you use taxis that belong to a company instead of public taxis. To get a company taxi, ask the front desk or concierge of the hotel you are staying in to call them for you. They can also tell you what the taxi rates are so you will be prepared. Many hotels have the rates for taxis posted in their lobby.

If you do take a public taxi, you can try to bargain for a lower price. Ask one of the locals the regular rates for public taxis so you will not pay too much. You also have the option of paying the taxi driver in local currency or in American dollars. If you pay in local currency, make sure you understand Mexican peso (MXN) to be sure you are not taken advantage of.

Keep Safe in the Hotel

If you and your children are staying in a reputable hotel in Cancun, you will not have to worry about safety too much. You should still take extra measures, however, just in case. When signing in at the front desk, do not give them your first name but instead your first initial.

Bring along some rubber doorstops with you. Slip them under the main entrance door, as well as any adjoining doors. This will prevent someone from opening the doors and getting into your hotel room.

Talk with the concierge at your hotel about the best family friendly areas of Cancun that you should visit. They can tell you places to visit that are good for children. They can also tell you areas that you should avoid visiting.

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options of transportation that you have to consider

When making plans for your vacation or business travels, do you always choose the same method of transportation? Have you ever taken the time to look into your options? Did you ever think that it could be possible to save time and money by changing the way that you get to your destination? Until about a year ago, I never gave any thought to how I got to my destination - I always just booked a flight and off I went. Then, a family member told me about how much money she saved on her family vacation by taking a train rather than a plane. This blog is all about the options of transportation that you have to consider for your travels.


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